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Benefits of Neurofeedback Healing

People choosing to work with neurofeedback come with a variety of concerns.  Sometimes, these may be stress-related, especially at times like the present where our worlds are spinning with change.  But because we are humans living in a dualistic world, often these concerns are related to many of life’s other core issues.  

NeurOptimal® is like a library of infinite possibility from which your innate wisdom selects new ways and configurations of being that are exactly in alignment with your life.  This ‘library’ has limitless choices, and you intuitively create the dynamics to perfectly suit you in every aspect of your life, without thinking.  

Here are some of the real benefits of receiving a Neurofeedback session:

More Calmness and Balance in Life
The ability to move Forward without paralyzing fears
Sharper Memory and more Focused mental processes
Improved work performance
Increased Creativity and Discernment
The ability to sleep deeply as your nervous system Relaxes  
Relief to physical issues including muscle tension
Improved athletic performance
Enhanced sense of physical wellbeing
Fewer jagged overwhelming emotions 
Resolution and Clarity in all aspects of relationship 
Elimination of old patterns of behavior
Enjoyment emerging as the staple element of your life
The Evolution and Transformation of Consciousness

What concerns might you want to address using Neurofeedback?
These are some of the things that I have heard voiced:

- ‘My relationship isn’t great.  I want to improve it but am at a loss to know
- ‘I am depressed and I have a lot of anxiety at the moment.  I’m often so
- ‘I am not sleeping well.  I am exhausted and it’s affecting how I function.’
- ‘I can’t concentrate and my memory is poor.’
- ‘I am getting headaches and migraines.’
- ‘I am so moody.  My emotional outbursts can feel uncontrollable and
   dangerous.  I need help in getting to the bottom of these feelings.’ [anger, fear,
   shame, etc.]
- ‘I suffer from acute hormonal shifts.' [as a result of cycle changes such as PMS,
   or menopause]
- ‘I would like help in dealing with my addictive patterns.’ [including alcohol,
   drugs, food, exercise, shopping and sex]
- ‘I used to be so fit and athletic.  Now my body feels really challenged.’
- ‘I want to embody more of who I really am.’ 

Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams
~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
